Advice to a Freshmen

First off, everyone is different.
Yes, you may see a 6- foot tall student,
You will see a 5-foot tall teacher,
There are some hairy men,
And some multi-color haired girls.
But, it’s completely normal here.

Let me clarify something for you,
There is NOT a swimming pool in the middle of the school.
You’ll thank me later.
While we’re on this topic, DO NOT ASK AN UPPERCLASSMEN WHERE TO GO,
Unless a teacher said the same thing.

If you do get lost, don’t freak out about being late.
The first week of school is a non-tardy week.
The ONLY non-tardy week.
We have maps labeled on teacher’s doors and signs for each hallway. 
By the next week, you won’t have to pull out your schedule.

When you’re in the hallway, it’s important to KEEP MOVING.
Yes, there may be tight spaces between the student body (see what I did there? No..? Ok)
Politely squeeze past them, and don’t look back.
You may want to suddenly stop and talk to your friend
But you'll be causing a school traffic jam.
Stay out of people’s way.

You’re immediate reaction to high school might be
“I’m so scared! What do I do?”
“It’s just another school, no big deal.”
For those who are scared, it’s all going to be ok.

Stay calm.
You may want to keep to yourself on the first couple days, that’s fine.
But don’t be afraid to talk to people:
Maybe a nice girl who complemented you on your shoes
Or a good-looking guy/girl.
Whatever floats your floaty.

High school IS a big deal.
It’s the place you can be you.
It’s the place you will attend school dances,
Have your first boyfriend/girlfriend,
Your first kiss.
It’s where you meet your life-long friends and maybe your future husband/wife.
Take lots of pictures.
You won’t realize how much you change in years to come.

You may think it’s cool to share lockers or give your combo to your friends.
Don’t even try.
It’s like trying to cram two Thanksgiving Day turkeys into one shelve of a fridge.
There’s only so much space you can use.

It’s ok to cling to your friends the first week of school
But you will tear off their arm eventually.
Talk to other people.
There is a 50% chance you stray from some of your middle school friends.
It happens.

Say hi to people you don’t know.
The worse they can do is not reply.
You will have friends who are the complete opposite of you.
Don’t try to push them to be like you.
Everyone is different, embrace them for who they are.

Freshman guys, this is for you.
Yes, cheerleaders are pretty and tend not to wear a lot of clothes.
But that doesn’t mean you should go for them.
Yes, there are lots of new girls in high school, but don’t try to take them for granted.
They may want to be your friend, but it doesn’t mean they’ll be their girlfriend.
Unless they happen to have a crush on you.
That’s all I can say for the male gender.
Not my fault you guys are so confusing.

Your turn, girls
Yes, there are a lot of good looking guys here, but not all of them are perfect.
The captain of the football team may not date you.
That doesn’t mean the world will end.
Just because you have some guy friends, doesn’t mean they like you.
Guys won’t tell you if they like you, you have to tell them.
Before you do, give them subtle hints (guys aren’t that quick… sorry guys):
If he catches you staring at him, no don’t turn away, that’s WAY too obvious.
Smile. Laugh. Then turn around.
Just don’t write his name all over your agenda if you don’t want anyone to know.
Don’t focus on having a boyfriend your whole 4 years.
The right guy will come.
Look at me for example.
I’m a junior and single.
Being single doesn’t make you forever alone.
Embrace it, single people have more fun!

Teachers are not your friends, nor are they your enemies.
They are teachers.
They are here for YOU.
They take time away from home for YOU.
They teach new material for YOU to become successful.
When you think of how much you hate your math teacher,
Just think about how long he stayed after school with you to improve your grade.
They want to see you succeed.
Even when your sophomores, say hi to teachers you had.
They were there for you, be there for them.

Don’t judge people.
You never know what they are going through.

Don’t tell everyone everything about you.
Just because people smile at you when you talk
Doesn’t mean they won’t repeat what you just said.
Choose your words EXTREMELY carefully.

Don’t be shocked if you walk down the hallway and someone shouts
Not everyone has the best mouth at school.

If you still don’t know what to do when you start high school, just remember this:
Talk to other people.
Be honest, but not too honest (don’t lie either, confused yet?)
Don’t expect a relationship as soon as you enter high school.
Do your homework.
It’ll help you in the long run, I promise.
Most of all.

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