Smith’s in Between
If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be to listen to the Smiths, one of the greatest bands to ever exist. I encourage you to drift off while listening to Asleep, or to dance like an idiot as you listen to girlfriend in a coma, I know.
I would also advise you to not give up. Pursue your dreams; wish for the stars, the moon, and the galaxies. Never let anyone tell you that you are not capable of doing something. Do whatever it is you wish to do, and I can guarantee that just by doing that, you’ll be happier than most people I know.
On dark nights, I dare you to make them beautiful. I dare you to look up and ponder at the stars; at their depth, at their meaning. I dare you to wonder beyond science and actually ask yourself why they are so beautiful.
Lolita, one of the best novels I’ve ever read. Keep an open mind as you scrutinize Humbert Humbert. Look beyond yourself as you learn the story of Ivan Illyich, and also remind yourself everyday thereon to be grateful for yet another day.
Most special places I know are bucolic. Go on a road trip, visit the countryside. Take pictures, even if you just capture cows and hillbillies, I promise you will upon them kindly.
Be careful with love. Allow yourself to determine whether it’s real or not, whether it’s worth it or not. But even if it breaks your heart, love. Love as much as you can; you will know no greater pleasure than lying naked with someone and forgetting your own mortality. Time goes by lightly when you are naked. It goes by even merrier if you are with someone you love, with someone that loves your body for what is, especially its imperfections.
Daydream. Daydream of infinite possibilities; waste the time away imagining yourself a rock star, a pop star, or even a porn star. Your mind is a blank canvas of infinite possibility.
Don’t feel fat, don’t feel ugly, don’t feel too skinny, feel content. Eat all of the food you can dream of; one of the most rewarding feelings I’ve felt have come from jamming a chocolate fudge brownie into my mouth and smiling because hey, the calories make me happy and I am proud.
Travel. See the world, know the world. Meet different people; we’re all different after all. Have a favorite city, a favorite country. One you’ll visit once and always daydream of coming back to, even if you know you won’t.
And finally, maybe the most important of all: Don’t ever forget or become oblivious to the meaning of life, which is just to live. Live man! Be happy, be sad, be excited, be bored, but do it because you want to. Do it because through it you are living. You are breathing, you are alive and you’ll never forget that that’s all you have. Your moments are all you have, so live them.
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